Thursday 9 April 2015

Unit Testing: Still Necessary. Still Faster. - GenRocket

Unit Testing: Still Necessary. Still Faster. - GenRocket

Unit Testing: Still Necessary. Still Faster.


There has been an interesting trend in the last couple of months based around the idea that Unit Testing is not as important and we, as developers and testers, should be focusing more on integration testing. Take for example this article titled Test-induced Design Damage. This article states that:

One conclusion of this is that I think it’s a mistake to try to unit test controllers…Controllers are meant to be integration tested, not unit tested.”

The author is really talking about the Rails framework here, but I think it is important to focus on this misconception without worrying too much about the driving technology. Before I dive too deeply into my thoughts on this topic I feel like I should define some terminology so that my point might come across with more clarity.

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