Thursday 9 April 2015

A GenRocket Philosophy For Data Generation - GenRocket

A GenRocket Philosophy For Data Generation - GenRocket

A GenRocket Philosophy For Data Generation


At the end of this month, I’m going to have the opportunity to present GenRocket to my local tech group.  I was asked to provide a title for my talk and a small description.  While I pondered that, I tried to think of what really sets GenRocket apart from other means of data generation.
As I let my mind run in many different directions and several tangents, I kept coming back to something that really wasn’t GenRocket specific, although, something that it excels at.  It isn’t a specific feature. It is something that our CEO has been referring to as a GenRocket Philosophy.
Most people still think about data generation in terms of databases.  I’ve written before about GenRocket’s ability to think outside of the database.  One of our clients came to us in the middle of a project with no real tests and no test data.  They needed GenRocket to solve two main problems:
  • GenRocket should generate enough test data to get them to 100% code coverage.
  • GenRocket should seed the platform with enough data so they can demo to potential customers.

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