Thursday 9 April 2015

Software Testing Needs Test Data Generation - GenRocket

Software Testing Needs Test Data Generation - GenRocket

Software Testing Needs Test Data Generation


While talking to some colleagues via IRC today, we were discussing funny pictures related to bugs in software.  As we all laughed and shared different images, I started thinking.  Have we become too accepting of bugs in our applications?  I often hear things like “Every system is going to have bugs” and “No application is bug free.”  Are these true statements?  Absolutely.  Do they have to be?  Maybe not.

99 little bugs
For most software engineers (myself included at one time), testing software was a burden.  We don’t have time to test.  This product has to be ready now.  VC is pressuring us to deliver.  These are really just excuses.  Testing software has gotten a lot more advanced in the last decade.  Tools like Spock, Geb, Selenium, Robotium, any many others have made testing fun and enjoyable.  But no tool is enough all on its own.  Complete software testing requires unit tests, integration tests, functional tests, acceptance testing, automation, QA cycles, reporting, and dare I say, most importantly, test data.

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