Thursday 9 April 2015

Fully Testing Your Software

Fully Testing Your Software

What Does “Fully Testing Your Software” Mean?

by HYCEL TAYLOR on APRIL 15, 2014

What is the definition of fully tested software? Fully tested software is code that has been validated and tested to such an extent that all concerned parties (QA, software engineers, project owners, etc) have ‘high confidence’ that the code will perform exactly as intended once released to production.
The phrase, ‘high confidence’ has relative meaning depending on the threshold of the individual or organization doing the testing. At what percent of your codebase being tested do you have high confidence that it is fully tested and will work exactly as intended when it reaches production? Is it 1%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 98%? Would you like it to be 100% or do you think 100% is unattainable? Are you fully satisfied with anything less than 100%? What the percentage of your codebase being tested will give you the high confidence to say to your Chief Architect, VP of Engineering and other major decision makers, “Yeah, the code is fully tested and ready to go to production”?

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