Tuesday 17 March 2015

5 Essentials Tips for Starting a business from Zero

Every business should be started by drive and a passion to be great. Even most of great businessmen have been started from zero or beginning, like Richard Branson, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Oprah.

When I was started thinking about Business

If you have already known of my story or know me personally, so you know that when I was injured in my professional football career, on that moment my lifelong dream of football profession was came to ended. I spent a whole year to figure out that what I have to do with my life, while I was sleeping on my sister’s couch.
My main passion was sports at that time, and as I could remember it was my focus for long consideration of my career. I wanted to be flexible for doing that which I do love for, and to set my life for the rest to make a wonderful living. But there is a little problem I had no any idea from where I need to begin.
I found a brilliant adviser in that year through my equal parts luck and determination. I started interning with him for a complete 1 year and he was paying me about $500 on a monthly basis. I made myself enthusiastic to learn as much as I can for him and I also perform the things by which I could be able to earn income apart from working as an internee.

I was started looking at my passion and skills where they were intersected, as I was putting my one foot in front of the other one. I was so serious to connect with people and to add values to their lives. I was loved to provide the service which I was able to provide them to help in solving their problems which they were having on time. I started to putting networking events together as I was pursued to the things that was intersected me. I started to figure out that what would be my brand for my business to develop it along the way of my life and how it will be synchronized.
So, once I was figured out what I need to do starting my business from beginning or zero level, I come up with some important things to work on them before starting it.

1. Do Comprehensive Research about Market.

Before Starting a business, you must need to know about your market very well, in this regard, you can search your competitors and the market trends for relevant business or you can search Google for that keywords which are most often belongs to the brand for which you are looking to enter in the business industry.
If the market seems so competitive or you feel it’s going to be so hard for you to run a business in that much flooded market, never ever get discouraged, it could be used as your advantage, means if the competition is high obviously it is also working on current business so it will work for you in same way. It is good for you due to you can have more chances to earn more money flooded markets.

2. Set a tangible financial goal

Set new goals for your business on every six months or yearly basis and always draw out your initial spots. Figure out the things that what you want to do each day to achieve your goals. You must set daily goals and plan the routines or schedule to accomplish the tasks to fulfill business needs and your goal achievement.

3. While considering to create your website, make it share able

While you are going to create a business website for market your business over the internet, you should have responsive and attractive web portal for it as your website will show virtual existence of your business. It is very important to create unique content on every single page. Provide user friendly interface for your user to view business details and contact back to you.

4. Build Email lists of People visits your Website

Building an email list for your business is very essential way of building a business via this most important tool, emails are form of e-communications, most often used for business and personal conversations over internet. When you will be ready with you website start building email lists of those people who visit your website, then provide them valuable details and do communication with them time to time via emails. It will be a great way of transferring buyers for your products in to the future launch.

5. Begin with Business and improve as much as you go for it

Many people waste their time into thinking about perfection of everything before launching their business, like logo, copy, websites, everything, but seriously in start it will waste your time if you want to have everything ready in start, obviously these things take some time but it does not mean that until you will have everything ready you can’t start your business. You can sell your products even before making them by pre-order systems. You need to focus on sales and attracting with leads. If you will analyze some successful companies you can see that they launch something all the time but they never be perfect. So keep going on never stop until you achieve your goals.

Electronic Waste Disposal’s Hazardous Impacts

What are Causes of Environmental Pollution?
Developed and Wealthy Countries advanced technology developments have led consumers to upgrade their electronic equipments continuously. For global economic growth these developments are may be good, but there is also harmful health problems are associated with them, due to these electronic developments create a lot of toxic electronic-waste.
The most of people assumed that the wastage of toxic electronic can be reduced, through the process of recycling and environment will be well protected by recycling all the unwanted equipments. But we are assuming it wrong, due to the products which generated by recycling process causing air pollution and water impurity to very high pH levels.
For Disposal of electronic trash and save cost, advanced and wealthy countries send them to those countries there is no environmental safety or health regulations. Asian Countries are larger recipients of electronic waste, as they import used electronic equipments in their countries but that equipments are involved with a lot of toxic electronic-waste. China have Electronic Waste Center to expose such uncontrolled environment disasters, the center is located in Guiyu District, near China’s Southeast Cost. The Electronic Waste Centre had many workshops for dismantling and breaking up the imported electronic trash.

Piece by piece painstakingly dismantling of imported trash like old computers, video & DVD players, hi-fi-systems, speakers, scanners, batteries, hand-phones, etc., segregated in different categories like printed circuit boards, plastic parts, metal parts and components. Strip Copper wires for metal and to obtain lead solder, circuit boards are graded for melting or to salvage precious metals like gold and palladium and place them in concentrated acid bath. The trash that remains after all dismantling and breaking up process are disposed off in the open air by burning it, which causes severe environmental pollution, with smell of hazardous rubber, paint burn and plastic in the air.
Lead Content in High Level Can Affect Brain Development and Health of Children’s
The Streams and Lakes are seriously contaminated by electronic waste, which is around the recycling workshops region, as they leave toxic by-products and pollutants while burning electronic waste. The Water samples measurement or pH readings taken from the streams shows pH readings as high as 1-2, it means there is strong acid solution instead of water (H2O). The High Level of Lead Contents has been detected into children whose parents are working in circuit board salvage. Levels of Lead Contents can affect children’s brain development and health as high level of lead found in their blood.

There are many cases reported of such incidences of headaches, vertigo, chronic gastritis, skin damage, nausea, duodenal ulcers, gastric, deformed babies and miscarriages among all those people who are involved in hazardous work filed. The recycling process of Electronic waste may have created opportunities for the rural people in employment or helped them in eradicate poverty but it’s been so costly for them, as they are suffering health and disaster in living environment.

Indoor Air Quality of Your Home

Why Indoor Air Quality is Important?
Most of people think that their houses are internally protected from pollution and they are safe, it is not correct always as recent researches shown, that Internal Air Pollution can be more hazardous to health than the external air. Even if this title mentioned in the word house specifically, but the situation is not so different from office and any other human living spaces, due to we all spend a lot time inside buildings, these Issues should be taken very carefully. The impact of Internal Air Pollution hasn't felt instantly, but it is bad for the health of people living in the building, even children, sick and elderly persons can affect faster. It is very important to check air quality of internal spaces, where you spend most of your time.
Indoor Air Pollution Sources
There are several ways cause indoor and outdoor pollution, the source which cause indoor air pollution can be some kind of material, whom went into the building itself while construction or development, or decaying material, Fuels, cleaning liquids and other materials like pesticides and insecticides, system air conditioning ducts, these ducts are a source of collecting dust and then releasing into the indoor spaces and anywhere else. If the pollution will consistently be remain or increased then the level of harmful will be increased.

Cooking is a Source of Air Pollution?
The main and unavoidable activity in a house is cooking, but it is also a major source of air pollution, it release different particles through fuel burning stoves and harmful gases in developed nations and urban areas. Incomplete burning of fuels releases carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide gases.
In poor countries about 1.5 million People got killed each year worldwide, due to indoor air pollution, causes through cheap fuels and coal or burning woods in the kitchen. World Health Organization's (WHO) recent survey shows that Asian countries like Afghanistan and Bangladesh had highest percentage of diseases and deaths, followed by Laos and India; it combines around half a million deaths annually, these diseases and deaths are linked to indoor air pollution.

What are Insecticides?

Insecticides are substance, used to kill insects in household, includes ovicides and larvicides to dispose insect eggs and larvae. The recent surveys about U.S. Households, shows that large number of Households has been used at least one pesticide product in last year. The Products often used are insecticides and disinfectants. It is high percent of people’s exposure to pesticides and up to dozen pesticides found in the air inside homes by those measurable levels. It means pollutants from those insecticides enter indoor areas from outside.

Visit Paragon Controls for Air Flow Measurement and Monitoring Services

Environmental Site Assessments – Phase I

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, designed for you to protect from environmental millstones and to check any problems before coming to you. We do provide High Quality Services in ESA, It is the reason our clients return to us time to time again, and they get responsiveness as per their needs or through examination of their properties. We have been an Essential part of doing business with corporate mergers on a large scale and achievement involving numerous services to real estate transactions, which includes buyers, sellers, investors and lenders, the Large, International Corp. to Small Organizations.

Through a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Companies can effectively identifies and manage Environmental liabilities. Clients hire us for ESA Services before environmental concerns become a big problem. ACC Environmental provides quick turnaround for the diligence period of real estate transactions.